Dear Fraser Engineering Team,

As a mechanical engineer with experience in complex assembly design, I have a solid foundation in multiple engineering disciplines. I've designed and built machines to work in hot corrosive environments, succeeding where other engineers failed. I have extensive experience with Solidworks, designing for manufacturing, and working with those on the shop floor to perfect designs.

My name is John McCluskey, and it excites me to present you with my CV. My previous employer, Shredding Systems Inc, is a heavy machinery designer and fabricator, and much of my experience over the last 3 years there would directly apply to the work you do at Fraser with supplying complex durable machines which can often be custom and need project management.  

I have modelled and drafted for senior engineers and my own projects, primarily in Solidworks but also AutoCad.  I have taken AutoCad drawings and converted them to Solidworks to create parametric parts and assemblies, and also from Solidworks drawings to AutoCad for burn patterns or vendor requirements.  I love modelling with great attention to detail, and have a history of helping out everyone in the company from machinists and welders to the president. Creating drawings from notes on napkins is something I have experience with!

I believe I can contribute to your team in many aspects. In my previous role I helped engineering get projects and parts released on time, marketing with 3d models to promote, sales with customer specific solutions, and even maintenance and fab with creating tools and machinery to get the job done.  Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

John McCluskey

View my CV  →